13 March 2009

Atoms of Delight

Let’s start with a secret. Six months of talking, listening, visiting and investigating have uncovered what no one seems to talk about: Scotland is creating some great schools. But don’t believe me, or press releases, or media headlines – go to Inverclyde Academy or Dalry Primary and look, listen and learn about the real difference great buildings can make.

‘Often when looking for a thing I find something else.’
That’s the first line of the last book by the great Scottish author
Neil Gunn. And when I visit schools looking for ‘good design’ what I also find are inspiring teachers and smart stereotype-shattering pupils. Yes design matters. But schools – the living organisations rather than the bricks and mortar – matter more.

Neil Gunn’s book was called ‘The Atom of Delight’ – we should humbly remember that the purpose of great school design is to create a place where profoundly important small things happen every day.



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