30 March 2010

Time and Space

Lifelong learning, flexible partnerships, collaboration as a default – all phrases I used at the recent Adult Learning in Scotland Conference. But what do these phrases really mean?

Firstly, they mean a small but fundamental shift in the focus of our attention: a redefinition of what we mean by success and effectiveness. Rather than ask how the institution benefits, we begin to ask how the individual benefits and to look at the greater good.

And, secondly, we look at time rather than just space. Or is that merely yet another one of those phrases? Yes it is – but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Rather than ask how we should timetable next year or revise the project management plan, we begin to ask how we can help an individual plan their lives and how we might affect the growth of a whole community.

We’re told in the run up to every election that ‘it’s all about the economy’. When it comes to the design of educational buildings we sometimes need reminded that ‘it’s all about learning’.



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