5 October 2010

A Wee Bit Radical

(extract from my guest blog for www.engageforeducation.org)

To paraphrase Donald Rumsfeldt - there are known unknowns and there are unknown unknowns. What we do know is that some of our pupils are in buildings we need to replace, so that’s what we’re doing. We know that pupils, staff, and communities know their own lives better than we do, so that’s why we talk to them first. We know that collaborating for better outcomes leads to . . . better outcomes. And I know that design matters.

What this has led to on the ground is what I call incremental radicalism. Rather than wait for the epiphany which is the ultimate school design, we can simply learn from others – whether it’s from the school down the road or from the innovative global projects showcased in Making Space 2010.

Does this mean I lack ambition? Perhaps what I lack is patience. I do not know the future – and neither do you. But I do see good things happening which should be shared, good ideas which should be celebrated, and good people who should be supported.

We ask our schools to do remarkable things every day. If you know a better way of how design can help make that possible, then please let me know.



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